Our School Community

“Parents have a particularly important role to play in the educating community, since it is to them that primary and natural responsibility for their children’s education belongs.”  (Congregation for Catholic Education 1997)

The partnership between parents and staff is crucial to the effectiveness of our learning community. Together we work along side each other to create the very best learning environment for our children. There are many ways that parents and families can contribute to the life of our school.

Dialogue About Learning

Many opportunities are provided for parents to engage in learning opportunities with their child. Talking about the learning that is occurring at school through Faith and Life Inquiry and making links with various family activities and experiences is a great way to encourage thinking and learning as a part of everyday life. Through home learning tasks such as Faith and Life Inquiry, reading and counting skills parents can encourage and promote learning. Through your child’s Faith and Life Inquiry Portfolio, which is taken home regularly, you can discuss and assist with the learning that is occurring within the inquiry. Your responses to this learning are encouraged.
Child, Parent and Teacher discussions about learning also provide a more formal avenue to identify strengths, challenges and future learning goals with your child and their Learning Studio contact teacher.

Parents and Friends Association

Our Parents and Friends Association promote both social and fundraising events. These have included a Trivia Night, End of term celebrations, Bunnings Fundraisers and various raffles. All families are welcome and strongly encouraged to participate in these events to meet other families and support the fundraising efforts of our professional learning community.

Learning Studio Parent Helpers

Parents are invited to assist in the learning within our learning community. Participating in the various learning spaces with a small group of children assists them to focus on specific learning tasks meeting their learning needs. Parent helper workshops are held each year for those interested in assisting in this way. A Working with Children (WWC) Check is required for parents undertaking this work.

Our Lady’s Parish Craigieburn and Roxburgh Park

Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School is one of three primary schools in the parish. As a parish primary school we have strong links to the parish of Our Lady’s Craigieburn & Roxburgh Park. Families are encouraged to participate in the life of this active and growing outer northern parish. For further information www.our-ladys.org