
“The end product of Catholic education is not the perfectly socialized pupil, but a pupil who is able to inquire into everything and everyone positively and with an open mind, inspired by a profound sense of humanity and by a connection with old and new stories which can open alternative worlds and which grant the future a utopian orientation (i.e. the promised land, kingdom of God)”    Pollefeyt & Moyaert, 2004

At Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School we have a deep commitment to nurturing children in the Catholic faith within our contemporary world. The pedagogy for the school has as its basis the development of a culture of thinking and a Faith and Life Inquiry Approach to learning and teaching that endeavours to empower children to be life long learners.

Our Learning and Teaching will:

Support the individual learning goals of each person within the learning community
Provide a Faith and Life Inquiry approach to learning
Provide excellence in the key competencies of Literacy and Numeracy
Support all three learning styles being visual, auditory and kinaesthetic.
Develop children’s dispositions towards thinking

Our Learning and Teaching program is supported by the Religious Education texts Coming to Know Worship and Love and the Victoria Curriculum.

Within our learning community thinking is valued, visible and actively promoted. Children are encouraged and supported to inquire through wonderings, discoveries and further wonderings. Through inquiry children are lead to engage in authentic actions that make connections with their daily lives.

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