
Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School has been built for 21st century learners. Our facilities boast many flexible indoor and outdoor learning spaces.

Significant to our property is Olrig Homestead, the original homestead of pioneering farmer James Malcolm. For further information about Olrig Homestead refer to the Olrig Homestead tab.

Today Olrig Homestead is the centre of our Sustainability hub. This hub has a learning space providing opportunities for learners to engage in sustainability learning including worm farming and gardening.

Our play areas include an Adventure Playground proudly financed by our Parents and Friends fundraising efforts.

The Basketball/Tennis Courts provide opportunities to engage in a number of sporting activities. Our Soccer field and Football area both allow children to play these sports during recess, lunch time and as part of their physical education learning.  A small hall alongside our Basketball/Tennis Courts has toilets, a small kitchen. This hall is used for our Extend OSHC program.

A number of passive play and learning spaces offer learners the chance to play in the sandpit, sing and dance on the stage and engage in a number of mathematical learning tasks related to measurement. Outdoor learning spaces also allow learners the opportunity to enjoy the elements whilst engaged in both independent and group learning tasks.

Our Kitchen Garden and Orchard provide learners with the opportunity to plant, nurture and harvest fruit and vegetables for our kitchen. Learners participate in cooking in our Kitchen preparing meals twice a week for members of our learning community.


Learning Spaces also include 13 Learning Studios, Staff Preparation Space, Lego Spaces, a Visual Arts Space, Japanese learning Space and a Multipurpose Learning Space where Performing Arts and Whole School Prayer take place.